

Our Review

Microsoft Edge is one of the speediest browsers I have used to date. I have tried all of the browsers listed on App Seeker and when I am using Windows, I always stick with Edge if I can help it. When I am on MacOS or any Apple devices I use Safari. You can't get better than a browser that is built into the core of your computer. There are just too many features that built-in browsers provide that you don't get from others like Opera or Vivaldi.

One feature I love is the split tabs. This reminds me of the way Arc does split tabs. You can have 2 tabs open in 1 window as shown below. They both function like their own tabs and up in the top left where you see the title, that changes depending on the tab that is active and the blue bar on the bottom switches from left to right to tell you which side is the active tab.


Having used these tabs a few times, I can say that they are incredibly useful. You can link the tabs so whenever you click a link in the left tab, it opens in the right tab or you can leave them unlinked so they are individual tabs showing in 1 place.

It can't all be good right?

Yes, everything has its cons. I talked a little bit about those above in the Cons section though I would like to elaborate on them.

First, about the URL pasting in markdown format... In the case above, I just copied the URL from the address bar and pasted it above. It should have JUST pasted the URL but you can see it pasted in markdown format (which looks like that). In order to paste the URL only I have to deliberately remember to press CTRL + SHIFT + V instead of CTRL + V. Super obnoxious and it is not obvious how to turn it off. As I was writing the next paragraph, I went into the settings and happened to click on Share, copy and paste and the reason why I was getting that formatting was because I had it set as seen below. Switching it to Plain Text does exactly what I want it to do and paste the address from the address bar without formatting. As far as what I have seen (from my research thus far) no other browser has this "feature", if you even want to call it that. It is a pure obnoxious annoyance than a "feature". I'm just glad there is a way to turn it off.


There are too many features that I had to disable to get the browser that I want. Just to list them they were:

Do you use Edge? Do you recommend it?

No, I do not use Edge. I do recommend it though. I recommend it for those people that want a browser that just works and don’t want to have to download any other browsers. Edge is very good.

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Microsoft Edge review