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Google Chrome is available on all of your devices. It has taken over the market since it was released in 2008. It was released on Windows originally with versions later released for Linux, MacOS, iOS, and Android. It is also the main component of ChromeOS where it serves as the platform for web applications.

According to StatCounter, Chrome has a 67% worldwide browser market share (after peaking at 72.38% in November 2018) on Windows and is most used on tablets (having surpassed Safari) and is also dominant on smartphones and at 65% across all platforms combined. This makes it the most used web browser in the world today.

Which is exactly the reason why everything follows its path with security standards and support. Everyone wants a piece of the pie that Google has with Chrome so they copy what works. That is with the exception of Arc that while it uses Chromium it is built in a completely different way.

Though there is something that they advertise on their website that I think is a lie...


They tout that you can generate strong passwords on every site and "Check your safety level in real time with just one click." as well as other safety measures. Alphabet owns Google. They are an advertising company through and through. This means they want as much of your data as possible to send you targeted ads because that is how they make money. So, you can only be so safe with Google.

How does Chrome work day-to-day?

Overall, it is very smooth. It is very rare that I visit a website that doesn't work in Chrome. Most websites are made for Chrome and then Firefox and Safari so while it is unlikely you will see a website not work in Safari or Chrome, you are more likely to see one not work in Firefox and I have come across some that do not work in Firefox.

Does Chrome use all of your RAM?

It does take a lot of it. I have 29 processes running with Chrome (currently) and it is using 877mb of RAM on average. Which doesn't sound like a lot except when you compare it to Microsoft Edge which currently has 51 processes running and it is using 950mb of RAM on average. So, Chrome uses more RAM on average than other browsers running the same tasks.

I don't know all of this tech jargon, what does this all mean?

This just means you are more likely to have your computer slow down when you have too many tabs/pages open in Chrome. The amount of RAM you have in your computer determines how much your computer can multi-task at one time.

Do you use Chrome? Do you recommend Chrome?

No, I don’t use Chrome but yes I do recommend it. Primarily because I switched to Mac and Arc is just SO MUCH better. You can read that review to find out why I love it so much.

Chrome is perfect for individuals that don’t care about their data being stored and soled by companies and those who just want to browse the web. Although browsers like Edge and Arc aren’t much better with the data portion, they have more features than Chrome does. I guess you could think of Chrome like an iPhone. It doesn’t have all of the crazy features of Android but it just works.

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